EXHIBITION: Kennet Valley Artists held a very successful spring exhibition at Brimpton Village Hall last weekend, with paintings by seven different artists in a variety of different mediums, each in their own distinctive style.

Artists exhibiting were Daphne Lanham, Jane Baikie, Penny Pinkard, David Nicholls, Toni Peace, Margaret Webb and Barbara Feuillade-Cole.

BAUGHURST parish annual assembly: Was held last Thursday, at Heath End Hall.

This is followed next Thursday by the first parish council meeting of the new council year, and is when chairman, vice-chairman and committees are elected.

This is also to be held at Heath End Hall, and begins at 7.30pm. Any parishioner is welcome to attend.

RED Cross first-aid course: The next one is to be held at Tadley Swimming Pool on June 2, 9, 23 and 30.

For further information or to book a place, call Ann on 0118 9816731.

HEATH End Gardening Club: The annual plant sale will be held on Saturday, April 30, from 11am to 1pm, in the main hall at Hurst Community College.

Admission is free, refreshments will be on sale, and there will be hundreds of plants for sale, mostly grown by members of the club.

PLEASE call me on the above number or fax 0118 9810679 if you have any news items or information that you would like to be included in this column.