Winchester'S Florian School of Dance celebrated its 20th birthday with a sell-out show.

More than 300 youngsters took to the stage at The Point in Eastleigh .

They performed Rumpelstiltskin, a ballet based on the classic fairytale, followed by a showcase of modern, jazz and tap dances to music, including Cole Porter, Buddy Holly and Justin Timberlake.

Their show, "A Celebration of Dance", included lilac fairies in tutus who set the audience laughing, while older dancers impressed with their athleticism and skill. In a spirited finale, all the young dancers took to the stage, bringing the audience to its feet.

Dance school principal, Annette Fitzgerald, who choreographed the ballet, said: "It is rewarding as a teacher to see children blossom and gaining in confidence."

She paid tribute to stage manager, Dave Freemantle, who, with Katherine Paddingston and students from Eastleigh College, designed the props, and Matt Searle, who provided the lighting and sound.

Mums made the costumes and helped out behind the scenes .

A raffle raised more than £1,000 to help rebuild two schools in tsunami-hit Khao Lak in Thailand.

The dance school has a history of putting on professional performances.

It was started by Miss Fitzgerald in 1985 with just nine pupils: 20 years on, it has more than 400-but no permanent home. Classes are held in church and village halls across Winchester.

Miss Fitzgerald, who trained at the Royal Ballet School, said: "It would be my dream to have our own arts centre in Winchester where we could offer drama, dance and singing lessons."