WITH nine million people in Britain affected by deafness, many firms could be missing out on business because they do not understand the needs of people with a hearing loss.

That's the view of the Hampshire Deaf Association who believe that failure to make goods and services accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people could mean that businesses are missing out.

However over the last few years, a growing number of companies have benefited from communications training courses which educate staff about how to be 'deaf aware.'

HDA's Communication Services Manager, Carol Harrison, explained: "With as many as one in seven customers being affected by deafness, the benefits to businesses from Communications Training could be significant, with deaf customers gravitating towards companies that offer them a 'deaf friendly' service.

"Many hearing people are just not aware that it is possible to give a much better standard of service to deaf and hard of hearing customers, by adjusting their communication methods slightly."

Training courses are designed to give a unique insight into the challenges that face deaf people as they go about their daily lives.

Qualified tutors who themselves are deaf, help participants to understand what communication difficulties can occur between deaf and hearing people, offering practical advice as to how to avoid such situations.

Organisations with deaf or hard of hearing staff would also benefit from deaf awareness training, according to Carol.

"Better communication between hearing employees and those with hearing impairments will lead to more effective team working and increased productivity," she said.

Training given is based around the specific needs of an organisation and can take place either in the workplace or an external venue.

If you would like more information about training courses on offer or you would like to book a training session, contact the Communications Training team at HDA.

HDA, 1 & 2 Carlton Commerce Centre, Dukes Road, Southampton SO14 0SQ.

Telephone: 023 8051 6516. Fax: 023 8051 6517. Text: 023 8051 6518. Website: www.deafhampshire.org. E-mail: enquiries@deafhampshire.org.