THE car repair industry has been threatened with a "super-complaint" by the National Consumer Council (NCC) over shoddy service and rip-off charges.

With its sister Scottish and Welsh councils, the NCC has written to the trade bodies representing the vehicle repair and service industry, accusing them of inaction in dealing with customers' problems.

The three consumer councils say the industry is failing to regulate itself effectively, despite no fewer than 11 attempts to raise standards during the past 30 years.

NCC chairman Deirdre Hutton said the only way forward might be to issue a supercomplaint, which is allowed for, under the 2002 Enterprise Act, if consumers' car repair interests are being significantly harmed.

NCC submitted its first "super-complaint", on home credit, to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) in June 2004. The home-credit industry is now being investigated by the Competition Commission.

"We are throwing down the gauntlet to the car servicing and repair industry," Ms Hutton said.

"Years of inaction defy the harm this sector inflicts on consumers

"Unless the industry rises to our challenge and gets serious about addressing the problems consumers suffer, a supercomplaint may be the only way forward.

"Owning and running a car is expensive - the equivalent of about a third of the purchase price goes on servicing and repairs in its lifetime.

Most consumers aren't car mechanics. They don't know what needs doing to their car, whether it's been done properly or whether they've got value for money.

"What's more, shoddy repairs can put consumers and their families at risk of serious injury or even death."

The NCC said that every mystery shopping exercise on car repair and servicing businesses proved people were getting a bad deal.

Widespread failures included faults that were missed, unnecessary work being done and sometimes without approval, charging for work that hadn't been done, poor quality work, poor customer care and failure to comply with industry standards.

Women can be particularly disadvantaged when it comes to car repairs, the NCC said.

The council has written to the industry demanding an urgent meeting and has copied the letter to Government ministers and OFT chief Sir John Vickers.

Industry bodies contacted include the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and the Retail Motor Industry Federation.