Sir.-Regarding the roadworks in Jays Close, Grove Road and Hackwood Road, Basingstoke, I wish to point out that the people who deserve the credit for solving the problem are the employees of the firms based in Jays Close.

Several thousand working hours were lost in the six months that the roadworks were going on, and hundreds of thousands of pounds in lost business.

The road was dug up not once, not twice, but often five or six times and the quality of the surface laid was truly appalling.

I work in Jays Close and was approached by several employees asking what was going on. Many of them made individual representations to Hampshire Highways and asked me to make representations on their behalf.

As far as I am aware, not one employee at my firm had any involvement with Cllr Ron Hussey, who I believe has upset people for appearing to take credit for solving the problem.

His quote "We have managed to get many residents to write in to the council" makes the whole thing sound like a managed campaign and detracts from its serious nature.

-Cllr Andrew McCormick, Popley East, Basingstoke.