PALM Sunday: Yet again, about 300 villagers and visitors walked The Drove to the amphitheatre, led by the Second Augustan Legion with its leader on horseback.

Rupert was our donkey this year instead of Sophie, having got over his shyness when with us two years ago.

Many thanks to all who helped in any way to make such a memorable service.

The bucket collection will be divided between Christian Aid and the Elijah Trust.

Thanks too to the children from Daneshill School, whose drama added to the whole service.

SPRATS: At 9.45am, in the Mission Church, on Wednesday, this is for pre-school children with parents or carers, and is about half-an-hour of play, readings and songs, led by Noreen Smith.

PHOENIX Club: Will meet on Wednesday, April 6, when you will be able to hear an opera singer.

This is in the club room at 2.15pm, and all are welcome to come along.

KEEP the news coming in and keep Silchester on the map.