SPRING market: A sum of £850 was raised by the 0-5s and the Happy Faces at the spring market on Saturday, March 5.

Jacqui said: "We are absolutely thrilled and want to thank all who came and supported us so well and made it so successful. It was brilliant."

SHERFIELD WI: Meets monthly, usually on the first Wednesday of the month.

The March meeting was on Wednesday, when Dr Bill Dawson presented "Wildlife in Antarctica".

The WI meets at 2pm, in the village hall. New members are always welcome.

KITCHEN: The village hall was open for coffee and chat on Saturday, and the new kitchen was on display.

Esme Ward said: "It went very well and everyone seemed very impressed.

"Comments passed to me indicate general enthusiasm for the improvements."

She added: "The Lunch Club is particularly pleased with the new level hatch."

PARISH council: The clerk reports: "The leisure facilities committee will be concentrating on developing sports provision in the new financial year and it meets again on April 26.

"The borough has cleared the overgrown area adjacent to the allotment gate in Bow Gardens."

The next parish council meeting is on April 13.

COMMUNITY: Building at Taylor's Farm.

The borough council is happy to continue to receive feedback on the new community building until Thursday at www.basingstoke.gov.uk/community/ccconsultation/taylors_farm.asp, or you can call June Balcombe on 01256 845477.