TWO items in last week's article carried the wrong dates. The correct dates were submitted. The Gazette apologises for the errors.

SOUTH East Plan: People who came to the parish council meeting last Monday heard Julian Pilcher, of CPRE, talking about the potential housing load that could descend upon the Basingstoke/Newbury area.

You are supposed to have received a document from the South East England Regional Assembly called Your Shout.

If you want to comment, then you can call 01483 555200 and ask for a copy.

We are not alone - most villages in this area have not received Your Shout.

ALISON Neil: Last chance for tickets as this is bound to be a sellout.

Call Josie Norton, on 298059, for tickets priced £9.50.

If the price seems a bit high, remember what a trip to the theatre costs.

This event is subsidised by the Village Club itself.

PARISH clerk: The parish council will shortly be interviewing candidates, so if you would like to be considered please contact the parish office on 298634.