WESSEX Cancer Trust: The Basingstoke group of the Wessex Cancer Trust would like to thank everyone who helped with the jumble sale on March 5.

This includes all those who donated items for sale and the many people who came along to buy.

A magnificent sum of £520 was raised.

If anyone is interested in continuing to help with the group's fundraising, or would like any further information, call 01256 462896.

ALDWORTH Gardening Club: Members were treated to flowering pelargoniums at the March meeting and it gave everyone a taste of the summer months to come.

A most interesting talk was given with some beautiful pictures of the many different varieties available. There was also the chance to purchase some plants afterwards.

A most enjoyable evening was had by all.

A reminder that Tuesday, April 12, is the date for the spring show - another colourful event in the club's gardening calendar, and the club looks forward to seeing you there.

For more information, call 01256 460612 or 328386.

TOP Marks Pre-school: The pre-school, which runs from St Mark's Church, has opened its waiting list from September, 2005, until July, 2006.

If you have a child who will be aged two years and nine months within that period, and you are interested in the group's sessions, please call 07890 820040 or call in on the group as soon as possible.