VDS: Parish councillor Brian Sperring, who helped initiate the Village Design Statement (VDS) project - the abandoning of which was reported in last week's column - wishes it to be known how grateful he and others are to those volunteers who came forward to help.

The latest guidelines mean that one needs substantial resources to create a VDS.

Several of the heroic volunteers fulfilled very thorough research tasks which may yet prove to be useful in other respects.

PARISH council: This month's parish council meeting embraced a further review of bus stops and welcomed an early intention to erect a more substantial shelter at Chineham Village Hall.

The existing shelter there is to be transferred to Hanmore Road, near the underpass through to the industrial park.

Don't forget to make a note in your diary for Monday, April 4, when the annual parish assembly will take place in Chineham Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

The guest speaker will be Superintendent Paul Netherton and the new beat bobby, Pc Mark O'Hanlon, will also attend.

This will be an excellent opportunity for residents to raise policing issues relating to Chineham.

All residents who have previously expressed concerns on this topic are strongly urged to attend.