BRAMLEY and Little London Music Festival: Takes place from July 13 to 15, starting and ending a day earlier than previously announced to avoid a clash with another village event.

Artistes from the Royal College of Music and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama are booked to appear.

For more details, call Wendy Peagam on 01256 881552.

ARTS and crafts: Bookings are being taken now for tables at the arts and crafts fair on Saturday, June 25, in Sherfield-on-Loddon Village Hall.

Bramley and Romans Floral Society is organising the event, and application forms are available from Ilene Iles on 01256 880559.

BRITISH Red Cross: A local organiser is urgently needed for the annual house-to-house collection in May.

There is a very good team of collectors which has been helping in the village for many years, but there has to be an organiser.

If you can assist, contact me on the number above, or the area organiser, Diane Russell, on 01256 882213.

BRAMLEY and Romans Floral Society: The next meeting will be held in the village hall next Friday, at 7.30pm. New members and visitors are always welcome.

For more information, call 01256 881182.

BRAMLEY Show: Will be held on August 27, in the village hall, so start preparing now for your entries in the flower, fruit and vegetable classes.

The show secretary, Pat Jones, may be contacted on 01256 881509.