IT IS an issue that has led to the resignations of councillors and a local authority in disarray.

But tonight a crunch vote will be taken to decide whether to give the go- ahead for a skate park in Whiteley.

A special meeting of Whiteley Parish Council has been called to make a final decision on whether to approve the controversial scheme.

Its fate must be decided tonight as the parish faces losing £46,000 put aside for a skate park by Fareham Borough Council if it is not given the go-ahead by the end of March.

Plans for the facility on Gull Coppice playing fields, close to the Meadowside Leisure Centre, have split the community.

Parish councillors originally gave their support to the scheme, which Whiteley youngsters had campaigned for for years.

The plans were then scrapped, leading to the resignations of chairman Ron Finlay, along with city councillor Kate Chapman, deputy chairman Kevin Gristock and John Hall.

Some of the "no" voters were accused of voting against the scheme because of the proximity of their homes to the site.

But they claimed new evidence had come to light over noise problems at similar skate parks.

Mr Finlay, Mr Gristock, Mr Hall and Councillor Mike Anthony are currently being investigated by the Standards Board for Eng-land over the U-turn.

The skate park is the only item on tonight's agenda and looks likely to get councillors' support.

"It will be a meeting just to discuss whether we want the provision of a skate park, with a yes or no vote," said chairman Pat Wright.

A band of youngsters are expected to turn out and there will be a number of deputations by residents.

The meeting is due to take place at the Meadowside Leisure Centre in Whiteley Way from 7.15pm.