'WE'RE not miserable - we teach the whole world how to have fun!'

That's the message from staff at this Hampshire fancy dress and joke shop who want to put an end to talk of Southampton people being the most miserable in Britain.

Since it was established in 1974, Just for Fun has opened branches in Southampton, Winchester, Eastleigh and Hedge End - practical jokes and fancy dress wear have been flying off the shelves ever since.

The Just for Fun mail order company has even taken orders from as far afield as America, Ethiopia, Japan and China.

Shop staff reacted with disbelief when the Daily Echo published results of a national survey claiming that Southampton is one of the most unhappy cities in the country.

Researchers quizzed 2,000 people across the UK - and found Southampton to be the most miserable place to live - beating Plymouth, Edinburgh, Norwich and Manchester.

They asked people how happy they felt and how often they smiled.

Supervisor at Just for Fun in Queensway, Southampton, Gillian Nightingale said comedy costumes, joke sweets, celebrity masks, exploding pens, face paints and silly string were among the store's top sellers.

She said: "I just can't believe the survey and I've lived in Southampton all my life. People come into the shop and they are smiling - they are not forced to come in.

"They have a great laugh in the shop and I presume they have a great laugh at parties and playing practical jokes on each other when they leave the shop.

"We've taken orders from abroad made by people who can't get hold of things we stock here where they live.

"Anyone who thinks Southampton is a miserable place should come and visit the shop and we will prove them wrong."

The Daily Echo is determined to cheer up the region's grumps. Do you live or work with a misery-guts? If so write to The Daily Echo, Newspaper House, Test Lane, Redbridge, Southampton SO16 9JX, e-mail sarah.gomme@soton-echo.co.uk or phone Sarah Gomme on 023 8042 4500.