TWO men were left with head injuries following a racist attack in Southampton in which they were hit with pedestrian barriers.

The pair were attacked by three thugs who yelled racist taunts following an argument in the city's Walkabout bar in High Street.

Police said the trio made weapons out of some pedestrian barriers, which they used to strike the two men.

The victims, a 38-year-old white man originally from South Africa and a 23-year-old white man from Southampton, had been enjoying a night out with their work mates when trouble flared.

Investigating officers believe their attackers thought both men were South African and are treating the incident as racially aggravated.

Police confirmed the victims, who have not been identified, had been involved in an argument in the Walkabout shortly before the attack.

It was thought it had all been settled inside but when they left they were targeted in the street, leaving them with head injuries.

Officers today issued an urgent appeal for witnesses to the assault, which took place at about 2am on Easter Monday.

Police believe the attackers may have had their tops off at the time.

Anyone with information is urged to contact PC Josh Deniz at Southampton Central police station on 0845 045 4545 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Two men, aged 19 and 20 from Southampton, have been arrested and questioned in connection with the incident. Both have been released on police bail until May 23.