FORTY children from the Stagecoach theatre Arts School of Totton and Winchester are joining the musical medley The Westenders at The Mayflower theatre in Southampton this Friday.

The Westenders are six soloists that met whilst performing in Les Miserables, in London's West End. They have been touring around England and Wales performing a variety of songs from musicals such as Chicago, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, and Les Miserables. While performing in a new area they contact the local Stagecoach school to help them find members for their chorus groups.

Alison and Terry Rann, principals of the Stagecoach Theatre Arts School of Totton and Winchester, were sent the music to rehearse songs such as Any Dream Will Do from Joseph and The Circle of Life from Disney's The Lion King.

Alison said: "The children were given such a lift when three of the cast came down to rehearse."

The children have had little time to practice and will only have one rehearsal with the band before they perform on Friday.

Alison added: "It is for anyone who likes any musical. It is a brilliant opportunity to see the great classics and favourites on stage."