THE Godfather Part 2... Aliens... um, er... Speed 2?

Yup, it's written in stone, somewhere in the magical land of Hollywood, that it's nearly impossible to make a good sequel.

And this is something Sandra Bullock should know better than most actors, considering her role in the aforementioned, critically-panned and in-every-way-possible totally disastrous sequel to 1994's Speed.

However, whatever instinct she had to reprise her role as the rather unkempt FBI agent Gracie Hart from 2000's Miss Congeniality was from the gut and spot-on - because not only is the sequel passable, it's funny, smart and very cute to boot.

It all kicks off three weeks after the events of its predecessor and may immediately sadden some hearts by making it clear that Benjamin Bratt, the previous love interest, has been dispatched as a character. One breaking-up phone call later, he's no more than a distant, dishy memory.

But anyone who ever doubted that this is Sandra's show will be assured of the woman's talents right from the get-go. A more able comedienne than any other actress of her generation, she quickly makes it clear that we're running with a new programme and that you'd be a fool not to jump on board for the ride.

Plot-wise, Gracie has become famous. And so, she gets yet another - more permanently glamorous - makeover to turn her into "the face of the bureau", going on television to promote the FBI and her own book about the pageant bombing instead of working on proper assignments.

But then the present Miss United States, her friend Cheryl and the host of the competition, Stan Fields (William Shatner), are kidnapped and Gracie can't resist getting involved in the investigation.

Paired up with tough nut Sam Fuller (Regina King), the two head out to solve the crime, despite the FBI's best attempts to thwart their progress.

Now if you didn't like Miss Congeniality the first time, you're not going to think the second's any good either, as their successes are attributable to the same qualities.

Similarly, if you'd rather kick Sandra Bullock off a bridge than watch her latest rom-com, perhaps this isn't the movie for you.

For everyone else, though, I'm more than certain this sequel will satisfy. Bullock looks amazing for 41 and anchors the whole proceedings with her immensely likeable persona.

Marc Lawrence's sharp writing and his knowledge of Bullock's strengths have created a script which is watertight and highly amusing. In fact, it's the only time I've heard jokes actually applauded during the movie at a test screening.

Bottom line, Miss Congeniality 2 is a bit corny and a bit camp, but what can't be denied is that it's absolutely fabulous entertainment, sweetie!