EASTER has been a holiday for most of us. But not for members of the Sealed Knot Society recreating the days before a famous English Civil War battle near Winchester.

About 30 enthusiasts helped to pull a cannon weighing 150 kilos from Old Winchester Hill near Warnford, the 12 miles through West Meon, Hinton Ampner to Alresford.

They were recreating the Royalist Army's march in the run-up to the Battle of Cheriton on March 29, 1644.

Ols Hofer, 41, of Ampthill Road, Shirley, Southampton, said he enjoyed pulling the gun: "It was a good experience. I'm going to have strong arms tomorrow.

"Lots of people have been interested, they have been coming out to see us, asking us what we are doing," he said.

The march on Good Friday was one in a series of events this year to remember the battle when the forces of Parliament defeated the King's army.

Yesterday there was a re-enactment of the siege of Winchester with troops defending the Westgate.

On June 19, the retreat of the Royalist Army through Alresford after the battle will be re-enacted.

The climax is on August 28-29 when several thousand Sealed Knot members will recreate the battle near Cheriton before an expected 10,000 people.

About 16,000 men took part in the battle and an estimated 2,000 were killed. Lamborough Lane was said to have run with blood.

The dead were buried in heaps and the resulting mounds are still part of the village landscape.