IT IS not uncommon for people to experience an identity crisis at some point in their lives.

However, for the Langford family in Talitha Stevenson's book, Exposure, the anxiety of the family members existence gets catapulted together in one fell swoop.

From the outside, the Langfords appear to be a perfect middle-England family but several shattering events cause a domino effect of devastation within the family, and suddenly all of their imperfections, their vulnerabilities and their true identities are brought to the surface.

The book deals with issues of sibling rivalry and jealousy, the English class snobbery, the dangers of deception, sexual obsessions, the nature of love and passion, and racial inequalities in Britain.

At times the flow of the text is disjointed and difficult, at others thought-provoking and tender.

Stevenson's second novel shows potential and depth to her writing, making you think about concerns and behaviours within your own family.

Exposure by Talitha Stevenson is published in hardback by Virago priced £14.99.