PARISH council: Meets on Monday, in the club room at 8pm, where members of the public are very welcome. There will be a short public forum where issues may be raised.

QUIZ night: Next Friday, in the hall, at 7.30pm for 8pm, organised by Silchester Association.

Tickets cost £6 and include a fish and chip supper.

JUMBLE sale: The Brownies are having a jumble sale on Saturday, March 12, from 2pm, in the village hall.

PALM Sunday: Will be celebrated for the 21st year in Silchester with the usual walk to the Roman amphitheatre along the Drove.

It starts at 9.50am, with the service at 11am.

Sophie the donkey, plus a cohort of Roman soldiers, will lead the way. All are welcome to come along.

SYMPATHIES: Go out from the village to Brian Knowles, whose wife Kath died last Sunday.

Kath was secretary of the village hall committee and a tireless worker for the church and will be sadly missed.

GUIDES: Congratulations to Suzanne Jasper and Meridy Parsons, who recently gained their B-P awards - the highest award a Guide can earn.

CHURCHYARD working party: On Saturday, March 12, from 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm.