THEATRE evening: On Saturday, March 12, Hog the Limelight present More Tea Vicar? at the Millennium Village Hall.

The licensed bar will be open at 7.30pm, and the show starts at 8pm.

Tickets cost £6, £5 for students and senior citizens, and are available from Betty Rapley on 325652.

JUMBLE sale: Despite the weather, it's the time of year when people turn their thoughts to the idea of spring cleaning!

If you decide to turn out the garage, shed or spare room, then why not donate what you discard to the WI's annual jumble sale on Sunday, March 13, at 1.30pm in the hall?

If you have donations, please take them to the hall from noon.

There will be book, toy, clothing, bric-a-brac, bedding/curtains and cake and produce stalls.

Refreshments will be available. Entry costs 20p.