PAMBER Heath Gardening Club: The last meeting of this year was held at the hall on November 16, and was well attended.

The speaker, Jill Langram, told us about the training she recently had via the National Trust Gardener Training Scheme.

She was based at The Vyne, and spent a number of weeks throughout the three years' training at Bicton College in Devon.

This scheme is very popular, and to be picked to go on it was a credit to her.

PAMBER Heath history book success: In response to many requests, Raymond West's History of Pamber Heath has been reprinted, yet again, after being sold out in July this year.

This fourth print run brings the total printed to 950 copies.

Many have found their way overseas to places such as Canada, America and New Zealand.

This may be the last reprint, so if you still haven't got your copy, get in touch with Raymond, and buy one. The cost is £12.50.

Contact him on on 0118 970016, or at 55 Burney Bit, Pamber Heath.

THEATRE evening: Tickets are now available for the Old Tyme Music Hall on December 11, at Pamber Heath Village Hall.

This will be the best fun you have had in ages, and will be an authentic recreation of Edwardian fun.

Tickets are available from me on the number above, and cost £9.50, which includes supper.