CHRISTMAS fair: Ellisfield's Christmas fair last Saturday started slowly.

At 2pm, we old hands were worried. Usually there's a crowd outside the Memorial Hall, pounding on the door and clamouring to be let in rather than standing in the cold.

On Saturday, the doors were opened and it was a minute or two before customers appeared.

Things looked bad. But, gradually, more and more people arrived, and by the end the hall was full and the noise ratcheted up almost to its accustomed level.

Takings were not as high as we would have liked but the fair kept its very cheerful neighbours-getting-together feel-good character.

WARM welcome: On a personal note it was good to welcome Rose-Ann and Tim Rumpus, and their children, and to introduce them to so many villagers.

They are buying Wyckens and I hope they will be very, very happy here.

COUNCIL tax: Today (Monday), Ellisfield Parish Council meets to set next year's precept, which is the figure that determines how much extra council tax Ellisfield residents pay.

Other concerns likely to be raised at the open forum, which now takes place early in the meeting, are traffic on Axford Road and affordable housing.

The amount of land the council owns which might be considered for affordable housing is surprisingly large. In fact, there are acres of it.

Learn more about all these issues in the Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

SECRET ingredient: Thanks to everyone who offered advice about the ingredients for Saturday's mulled wine.

Andrew Crowther-Walker very kindly supplied his excellent recipe, which he's happy to pass on.