CRAFT and gift fair: On Saturday, December 11, there will be a craft and gift fair in Little London Village Hall, from 10am to 3pm.

Eleven stalls will have a wide variety of crafts and gifts on offer, and tea and coffee will be available.

Contact Doreen on 850394 if you want to know more.

COFFEE mornings: These are held regularly in Little London Village Hall, on Tuesdays, from 10am to noon.

The idea is to get together for coffee and a chat. Age does not matter.

Dee Hartwell, on 850538, will be pleased to hear from you if more information is needed.

PARISH council: At the meeting in Bramley Village Hall on November 15, the council budget for 2005/2006 was discussed and the precept was set at £22,000.

This has to cover upkeep of bus shelters, the granary, burial ground, allotments and the clerk's salary.

This year, it also includes grants for both the village hall, £6,000, and the Clift Meadow Trust, £7,000.

The next meeting will be on December 13.

POST boxes: The Christmas post boxes for Cubs and Scouts to start their collection are now in place at designated points in the village and Sherfield-on-Loddon.

Please call Jane on 881647 if you need more details.