Speculation was growing today that Saints might look to David Platt to solve their managerial coaching badge problems that are threatening to force head coach Steve Wigley out by December 15.

Premier League rules state managers in the top flight must hold the pro-licence - Wigley is taking the course but won't complete it until next summer.

With the rule having come into effect this season, Wigley's only chance seems to be a change of ruling that would require 13 other Premier League chairmen to reverse the decision they only recently agreed.

Club chairman Rupert Lowe, who appointed Wigley as head coach in the "long-term", has been in discussions with the league as to how the situation might be resolved.

He has said nothing other than he is "quietly confident" of a successful outcome - and many fans believe this is because he has a new manager lined up.

But Lowe continues to insist he won't appoint anyone over Wigley's head, so any move for Platt would have to be at the request of Wigley himself.

The pair are close friends after working together in the England Under-21 set-up with Platt fully qualified.

But Platt would have to be the manager as there is a stipulation by the Premier League that whoever holds the pro-licence must be in charge of picking the team.

With the international break looming, the position could soon become clearer.

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