COUNCIL tax protesters were determined to make their voices heard as councillors arrived for an important meeting in Winchester.

They waved placards and shouted chants outside Hampshire County Council's head-

quarters as members arrived for a full council meeting.

The demonstration was organised by the Winchester and Meon Valley Council Tax Action Groups.

They believe a system focused on the individual's ability to pay would be fairer than the

current property-based tax.

Council tax in Hampshire has risen by 145 per cent since it was introduced in1993.

Leading campaigner, Rosemary Conway, said: "Our chief concern is really to alert the general public. They need to be aware now before the next general election that their homes will be revalued next year and it's possible that it could go up by as much as three bands."

Christine Melsom, founder member of the Is It Fair organisation which lobbies for the abolition of council tax, gave a deputation to county councillors at the meeting.