A COMMUNITY hall in Basingstoke has been given a stay of execution from bulldozers after a ward councillor pleaded for further public consultation.

Tony Jones, a Buckskin ward councillor for the South Ham Extension, accused Basingstoke council's Cabinet of "jumping the gun" in assuming Shera Hall, in Dibley Close, would be demolished because a management committee could not be found.

Speaking at the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Cllr Jones said that although the decision notice included a clause to work with partner agencies to explore community development, it sounded as though the hall's fate had already been sealed.

"We should be looking at further consultation and seeing what the outcome is, and then deciding what to do.

"This is just jumping the gun and I am not happy about it," he said.

He added that the community wardens had expressed an interest in the hall and had not been consulted.

Cllr Alison Wall, the Cabinet member for recreation and culture, explained that the notice had been prepared in light of the hall's current condition.

She said the building would only last another 10 years, had been empty for almost a year, and would cost the council £36,000 over three years for essential maintenance.

She added that the council had consulted with local residents, but could not find enough people to run an independent management committee.

However, in light of Cllr Jones' comments, the Cabinet agreed to reword the decision notice, stating that the hall would only be demolished if further consultation failed to create public interest.

Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Jones said: "We only have one opportunity. If we can't get anyone involved to run the committee now, and the hall goes, I think the likelihood of getting a new one is about nil.

"I think the hall is important because it can become the focus of the community. It doesn't need to have something happening every night, but I think it's important to have meeting space for a small community, and that's what we are."

He added that if the public consultation failed, he would accept the decision to demolish Shera Hall.

Anyone interested in helping to run the hall can contact Cllr Jones on 01256 328873.