A Hampshire cancer sufferer who donated a kidney and gave up his bed to help save the life of his ex-wife must wait to see if council housing chiefs will be given permission to evict him from his home.

Kind-hearted Brian Munson faces an uncertain future because Southampton City Council is demanding an extra £2.65 a week in rent for the time he cared for his sick wife at his Weston home.

Mr Munson says he was not told of any extra charges that would be incurred while ex-wife Linda stayed at his home for a year in 2001 and has refused to pay more than £400 which he now owes.

The 65-year-old was due to attend a county court hearing in June but, because he was receiving chemotherapy for bowel cancer, he did not attend.

At Southampton County Court yesterday, Mr Munson was forgiven for his non-attendance and told another date will be set.

Mr Munson has gained backing from Southampton city councillor for Woolston Richard Williams.

Cllr Williams said: "You could not make this up if you tried. One would have hoped this matter would have been dealt with today.

"This guy, who has cancer, has been given more worry and stress for no particular benefit to anybody."