SOUTHAMPTON Institute has joined a national scheme attempting to defeat racism in the workplace.

Figures show ethnic minority graduates find it more difficult to get a job than their white peers.

The institute has provided 12 students with mentors from local organisations Ford, Inland Revenue, Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire Fire and Rescue, Southampton Institute and Fry Samuels Consultancy.

The programme matched students with working professionals from local businesses to help them gain support and experience and to prepare them for entering the world of work.

To address this disparity, Southampton Institute has joined a national scheme to raise aspirations and improve the career prospects of disadvantaged and minority ethnic graduates.

This year, via its chairmanship of the LEADER (Local Employers Acting on Diversity, Equality and Race) Employers Forum, Southampton Institute joined the National Mentoring Consortium's (NMC) Undergraduate Ethnic Minority Mentoring Programme.

The institute is so pleased with the success of its programme it is looking for mentors to extend it. To get involved contact 023 8031 9838.