Sir.-I write in response to "Traffic calming supported" (Letters, August 6).

There have been very few accidents in Heath End Road during the 22 years I have lived nearby.

Even so, some people were concerned that the 40mph limit was too high.

It so happens that the boundary between Tadley town and Baughurst parish runs down its middle. Enquiries reveal that both asked the county council for a lower limit but were refused.

Instead, and without consultation, unsightly obstacles have now been erected that impede the safe flow of traffic. I am aware of two vehicles having crashed into them - one being written off - while others have had near misses.

Mr Round approves of this, dismissing the resultant accidents as poor driving rather than poor traffic engineering.

I wonder how many people agree.

Baughurst suffers symptoms of a national problem. The Government offers councils big money each year for traffic measures, and authorities must use it or lose it. Many seem to "crack on regardless" with unwise decisions, hoping that good intentions will attract at least some minority support which they could use as justification.

Enter your correspondent. He quite rightly observes that local objections run out of energy if painstakingly ignored for long enough. So at Heath End, what was first billed as a trial to end in early August is now extended until September - covering a period atypically lacking school traffic and obviously of little value for genuine monitoring.

Even so, I would like to think we are not forever stuck with these dangerous eyesores and that the good folk on the county council will understand that objections are motivated by reasonable concern, not a mean-spirited desire to challenge their authority.

-Frank Wallace, Conifer Close, Tadley.

Sir.-I disagree with most of Graham Round's letter in last Friday's Gazette, except for his point about the misleading traffic signs.

I wish to comment on his incorrect reference to "the promised 30mph limit".

I quote from a letter from the clerk of Baughurst Parish Council, in reply to my objections: "My council also recognises the need for the slowing of traffic speed locally, and for some years has been trying to persuade the county council to impose 30mph limits along Heath End Road and Brimpton Road."

No such measures have been "promised".

I object in principle to traffic-slowing measures on a road which still has a 40mph limit.

I think that as well as being illogical, it is dangerous.

-Bruce Barnes, Baughurst.