Sir.-I recently read of the controversial plans for Dr Weaver's surgery, in Old Basing, which were opposed by the parish council.

The reason given was that it would spoil the character in the conservation area.

In my opinion, the conservation area has already been spoiled, by those people pleased to live there.

Why blame a doctor's surgery?

They want Milkingpen Lane just as it is, but when they get old and have no car to take them around, and are living on their own, like so many of us, that is when they will realise the urgency for a surgery.

I was born and bred in the village, as was my mother before me, and am one of the oldest residents. I realise one must go along with the times, but I object when the so-called "class" move into our village, begrudge the villagers a surgery and talk about conservation, when they have already spoiled it.

People may remember when Chris Cady, who lived at the Forge, did his best to keep the Clear Well open (not actually a well, but a beautiful clear spring).

Among other users was the churchwarden, who always used the spring for the font, ready for baptising the babies. It was also used for watering the flowers in the churchyard, and for drinking water.

I don't suppose many now even know where it is, especially as shrubs and a gate were put across the access.

That all belonged to the parish, so why is it shut off. Shouldn't that be conserved?

Another part of the village which I believe needs looking into is the river at Pyotts Hill, which used to be a beautiful spot. Many people would sit by the river, feeding the ducks and swans. What a disgrace it is now - all overgrown, and you can't even see the river.

We used to have a canal which ran into the "Laundry" in Basingstoke - not any more, as houses were allowed to be built on this so-called conservation area.

I am aware people have to live somewhere, and life moves on, but why is a doctor's surgery so unimportant compared with houses?

We are very lucky to have the doctors in Old Basing and I, for one, have always found them so kind and helpful.

So please, get off your high horses and put the needs of local people first.

We need a new surgery badly, and if I was able to have gone to the recent meeting about the surgery, I need not have written this, but, being 94 years old, I couldn't attend.

However, I still, thankfully, have a good brain and thoughts for all our old people (and the young) who are so dependent on a local surgery.

-Mrs Edith Beck, Old Basing.