EVERGREENS: The Evergreens had their August meeting last week, when three fire and rescue officers came to talk to the group.

Jean Wright said: "It was very interesting and different from the talk they gave us last year."

She added: "They demonstrated their equipment, explained about getting up on to roofs and passed round their gear for us to examine and feel the weight of it".

The Evergreens are looking forward to a river trip in September, and this week have been visiting Milestones museum in Basingstoke.

SHOW: The Sherfield Show is only three weeks away, and this year there are some exciting new categories, including two in the photographic section. These are "A colour print - Transport" and "A colour print - Sherfield".

The show is on Saturday, September 4, and all entries must be in by 5pm on Friday, September 3.

Entry this year is by donation and there is also a "Best Allotment" competition.

Proceeds go to the church extension fund.

CAR park: Work has started on the village hall car park.

It will be resurfaced with tar and then have loose chippings inserted so it will look the same as before, but the gravel won't be loose, which will make it easier for wheelchair users and pushchairs.

TODDLERS: The nought-to-fives may have broken up for the summer but they are still enjoying picnics and trips out.

If you would like details about their August activities, please call Cath on 880136.

They are holding a car boot sale on September 11, and tables can be booked in advance by calling Cath.

PRESENTATION: The presentation regarding Calor Village of the Year will take place on Friday, September 17, in the village hall.

More details nearer the time.