HAMPSHIRE County Council: The council is still holding £460,000 from the proceeds of the sale of The Grange.

This will be used towards the development of the area around the barn. Alan Turton has got his finger on the pulse of this one. He is like a dog with a bone - he won't let go until something positive happens.

MOTOR scooter: If you have one of those little motorised foot scooters could you please avoid the footpath which runs from Bexmoor opposite the church, alongside the railway and out onto the river bank?

Many of our elderly residents use this for their daily exercise and they really are at peril if they are confronted with one of these coming around the blind bends.

If you have a youngster with such a scooter, please warn them of the dangers, and also the liability if they cause injury to anyone.

CORRECTION: The seed catalogues are now only available at the trading hut at the allotments.

They will be available this Sunday, from 10am, at the hut.

TALK: On Tuesday, at 7.30pm, in the parish room, there will be an illustrated talk on St Francis Hospital in Katete, Zambia.

The cost is £3, and refreshments will be available.

For more information, call Alan on 322515 or Fay on 476863.