OAKRIDGE Regeneration news: The village green landscaping is ongoing through this month.

Turf has been laid and is being watered, and planting will commence in October/ November.

Public access to the green has yet to be determined, to allow time for the landscaping to become established.

The relocation of the shops is currently set to start in mid-September when the Oakridge Centre closes, and the pedestrian crossing routes are being considered. The pub has already closed.

Regarding the Myland and James Close demolition, the internal stripping of the flats is ongoing. Controlled removal of asbestos started on July 19 in Myland Close and is to last for five weeks, moving on to James Close for another five weeks. Demolition will follow.

Phase three of the works to Len Smart Court, to install service mains, is to take place before the final surfacing is done. This is to take place in about three months' time and will last into 2005.

The removal of the walled pedestrian access to the towers, at the end of the garages, will occur in approximately three months' time.

Bus shelters are in place, but will not initially be in service.

We hope careful thought is going into where the street lighting is being placed for effective lighting.

Work seems to be grinding to a halt at the moment in places around the hall - I hope this improves.

The Vivian Road school route through the field is to be put in place during the summer holiday, ready for the new academic year in September.

PLEASE note: Could all parents ensure their children are aware of the dangers of building sites?

Please keep them away from fenced-off areas, as the fences are there for a reason - your safety!

OAKRIDGE Towers: For social issues affecting Oakridge Towers, contact Helen Parry.

There is a drop-in meeting in the foyer at the Oakridge Hall For All on Wednesday, from 10am to 10.30am, with builders from both construction companies attending.

If you have concerns and questions, come along.