BASINGSTOKE Horticultural Society: The next meeting is at Kempshott Village Hall, off Pack Lane, at 7.30pm, on Monday, and is entitled "Growing and Showing" by Mr Hooper. You can bring plants/fruit/veg for showing.

Also, Martin Burr has resigned. Arthur Marshall will be show secretary for the September show, so any enquiries, please call him on 475751.

As of August 5, the trading hut has had to close down due to a lack of volunteers and competition from other sources.

JANE Austen fayre: On Saturday, August 21, from 10am to 4pm, at the Walled Garden, Down Grange.

The Walled Garden is a picturesque setting for this lively outdoor event, with historical re-enactments and local 18th century crafts.

Admission costs £2 for adults and £1 for children, and visitors in regency costume can get in for free.

Please contact park ranger Helen Trebble on 01256 845649 for more details.

NEWS: Please keep your information coming in.