CROWD puller: More Ellisfield residents came to last Monday's parish council meeting than for many months.

The reason - Pc Andy Reid, our new local bobby, was there to say hello. He brought good news. First, and most importantly, he said: "Any problems, give us a ring."

This is not your vanishing policeman of the big cities. Pc Reid is a man who loves the countryside and wants to keep it safe for us all. His number is 389050.

Ellisfield is a low crime area, with just eight crimes in 2000, which dropped to six, and is now down to three.

Pc Reid stressed the importance of vigilance and pooling information. He's regularly in touch with Nigel Wilson and Neighbourhood Watch, and is keen that the parish council signs up for Country Watch, with its wider remit.

Lastly, it looks as though any worries about his police house will be solved satisfactorily.

SPEEDING traffic: Roy Frankham asked the council about setting up a survey of the numbers and speeds of vehicles which race along Axford Road.

He voiced the very real concerns of residents about dangers to pedestrians, particularly in view of the possible Micheldever development of 9,000 new houses, which could lead to a "rat-run" nightmare.

CANGO: Councillors were unanimous in their welcome for the Cango bus service, which starts next Friday. It sounds terrific.

More details can be found on the website cango.hants. or from councillors.

ELLISFIELD clerk: Great news. The long search appears to be over.