HANNAH Cox has had the best belated birthday present ever.

The curly-haired tot beams with pleasure as she clambers onto her new slide and climbing frame.

It was a different story two weeks ago when the three-year-old was left heartbroken after thieves broke into her Southampton home and stole her favourite slide from her back garden.

Her story touched the heart of one Daily Echo reader who, after reading of Hannah's plight, was moved to help and donated her family's slide to the little girl.

Shirley Rabbito said she felt so upset at the story that told of Hannah's heartbreak over losing her multi-coloured toy play equipment that she contacted the Daily Echo offering to donate her slide used by her children when they were young.

Shirley, 54, of Seaview Road in Highcliffe, Dorset, said: "I read the story and I thought it was absolutely awful that anyone could steal a child's toy like that, it is simply disgusting.

"It then made me think about the slide that I have in my garden that isn't used any more because my children are grown up so I thought the little girl could have it.

"I thought it would be something I could do to help."

Mrs Rabbito, a therapist, said that she knew all too well about being the victim of a burglary after her pet cat was stolen during a raid on her home last year.

After Mrs Rabbito's generous offer it was a question of getting the slide from Dorset to Hampshire.

It was then the Daily Echo stepped in to help transport the bulky equipment nearly 30 miles to a different county, all to put a smile on a little girl's face.

Thanks to the efforts of the Echo's Malcolm Maroney and John Holmes, the slide was dismantled, packed up and shipped off to Shirley where it was delivered and reassembled to the delight of Hannah, and her mum Amanda.

Miss Cox, of Romsey Road, said: "It is absolutely brilliant. The only problem I have now is trying to get her off it!

"She is absolutely chuffed to bits and says she wants to give the ladywho gave it to her a big hug and kiss.

"I want to say a huge thank you to her and the Daily Echo. I never expected all this when I first rang. It has all been amazing and the perfect way to finish off Hannah's third birthday."