VOLUNTEERS: The parish council is calling for nominations for volunteer and citizen of the year awards.

If you know of anyone who "goes the extra mile" for Kingsclere, then ask the parish clerk for a nomination form.

COURSES: The Village Club is now recruiting for its autumn series of courses, and currently has vacancies on most of them.

The needlecraft course teaches a high standard of skills in patchwork, tapestry, dressmaking and just about anything you can make with a needle and thread.

Spanish is a course which will provide an informal introduction to the spoken language, enabling you to get that extra amount from your Mediterranean holidays.

There is the usual run of computer courses and a new venture into skills with a camera. Keep fit and tai chi continue to run.

For information on present courses and to suggest new ones, call Josie Norton on 298059.

BIG dig: Adding to all the other money made available for the excavation of the Roman site at Tidgrove, the borough has now donated £1,200.

We are hoping to have a wheelchair-friendly bus available to transport people with mobility problems to the site from The Square on September 11 and 12, when there will be lots of events going on.

ROADWORKS: Most of the work is now complete at the George and Horn and, hopefully, most drivers will comply with the new road layout, which is designed to slow vehicles turning into George Street.

This is not done to be a pedestrian crossing and you should cross further along the road.

CCTV: The new CCTV system is now fully operational and recording events in the area of The Square.