HELLO Andy: Our new local policeman, Constable Andy Reid, will be at Monday's Ellisfield Parish Council meeting, at 7.30pm, in the Memorial Hall, to introduce himself to councillors.

"Anyone interested in meeting him and discussing rural policing is very welcome to attend," said parish council chairman and clerk Paul Turner.

PHONE box: One subject sure to come up at the parish council meeting is saving our red phone box.

There was a terrific response to BT's proposal to remove it, with 21 objections in all - 12 letters and nine e-mails.

Years ago, our beloved red phone box stood, very visible, on a triangle of land at the top of Church Lane, but was moved to the present, much more hidden position when the junction was redesigned.

I wonder if we could raise enough interest (and money) to have it moved back.

It's difficult to write this, but Cliddesden has got it right with a very visible phone box by the side of a pond. Ellisfield could do with a village pond as our two existing ponds are privately owned.

Any chance of one on the southern section of Lower Common?

ACCIDENT prevention: Far too many cars hurtle along the Axford Road on the straight stretch between Nightingales and Copper Beeches.

One way to try to get them to slow down is with a flashing sign, warning those motorists driving too fast. The signs are expensive but very effective and worth thinking about.

The nearest ones are at the top of Selborne hill and, for those who drive to London over the Hog's Back, in Hale village.