Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Meyrick Park, Bournemouth

THOUSANDS of people filled Meyrick Park for a concert at which the BSO presented possibly the ultimate in classical firework extravaganzas.

Not only did we hear the explosive and evocative sounds of Holst's Planets Suite, but we were treated to an astonishing visual display representing the four elements - fire in the sky, water rising in the air and returning to earth, and lasers in the air.

The concert started normally enough, with works including Copland's Fanfare For the Common Man, the first movement of Mozart's Symphony No 40, Sibelius' stirring Karelia Suite and Wagner's passionate overture to Die Meistersinger.

Conductor David Hill, until recently Master of Music at Winchester Cathedral, was conducting and providing a commentary, which he did extremely well and with humour.

The Planets took over after the interval, with the pyrotechnics throughout.

Spectacular fireworks accompanied Mars and Jupiter, with beautiful coloured fountains providing the main attraction for the more tranquil movements.

Eventually, fireworks, fountains and lasers joined together to produce a stunning display, with Mars repeated at the end for dramatic effect.

The orchestra, led by Jack Maguire, was as brilliant as the fireworks.