WHAT have a suitcase and a painting got in common?

Well, they were all among props used to cover the modesty of stars of an Am-Dram group's latest show in Southampton last night.

In a performance that would make a vicar blush, the Shirley-based Actors Co-operative Theatre showed their bare-faced cheek on stage at the Freemantle United Reformed Church Hall.

Their antics in Who Goes Bare? raised plenty of titters among the 50-strong audience.

And some of the actors showed their naked ambition by going completely starkers with their and the audience's blushes spared by strategically-placed props.

As reported in the Daily Echo yesterday, the Carry On-style farce was based on the confusion between a health club and nudist colony.

One of the show's stars, Phil Smith, who was the butt of many jokes on stage, said: "Since the story was in the Echo, my phone hasn't stopped ringing from people wanting to see it.

"All the cast were more nervous than they ever have been for previous shows for obvious reasons.

"But for the opening night it went well, and we are all really pleased and all of the audience seemed to enjoy themselves and we are looking forward to the next two nights."

It is the first time the group has branched out from the traditional annual pantomime, which they hold every February.

The play, written by Richard Harris and Leslie Darbon, runs until Saturday at the church hall, 257 Shirley Road.

Tickets cost £5, or £3.50 for concessions, and are available by calling 023 8022 6353.