THESE Fair Oak youngsters are heading for the big city to make beautiful music.

Music for Youth has invited the Fair Oak Junior School Concert Band and Choir to perform at the National Festival of Music for Youth on July 5 at the Royal Festival Hall on the South Bank.

This is the second time that the band and choir have taken part in the high profile London festival.

In 2002 the band were presented with the Outstanding Achievement Award and the choir came away with the highly commended award.

The concert band has 65 players, aged from eight to 11. The children play a full range of woodwind and brass instruments, along with keyboards and percussion.

The programme consists of three pieces beginning with Breakdance Brass by John Edmondson. It is a bluesy big band number featuring all sections of the band. The mood changes with the arrangement of Llangloffan - a traditional Welsh hymn melody followed by a performance of Playing for Time. This has been especially written for the band by their conductor Peter Theobald and is based on popular dance music of the 17th century.

While this year the 186 strong choir will be performing Rugby - The Full Score! compiled by conductor Vicki Welch and arranged by Peter Theobald.

The selection of songs celebrate England's success in the Rugby World Cup.

The Fair Oak youngsters also replay some of those famous Jonny Wilkinson drop kicks.