A Midsummer Night's Dream - Staged by University College Winchester (King Alfred's), At Farleigh House near Basingstoke

WHO could possibly say "no" to spending an evening at that most quintessentially English of theatres .....open air Shakespeare on a balmy summer's night?

Armed with picnics and folding chairs, an enthusiastic audience gathered at historic Farleigh House for what promised to be a simply magical evening.

As the sun dipped below the horizon the Bard's characters came to life and we were literally taken on an enchanting walk through the magnificent grounds.

Fairies danced and played their mystical music as we made our way to the main stage.

Set beside a tranquil lake and framed by two centuries-old oak trees, it added to the enchanting sense of occasion created by this Dream ticket.

To single out individuals for praise could seem churlish but Oberon, the King of the Fairies (Adam Pegg), dressed as a 20th century street gang leader, and his sidekick Puck (Christopher Foulser) captivated the audience. So did an hilarious Bottom (Paul Connelly) who raised many a laugh.

Praise too should go to the mortals: Hermia (Emma Longbottom), Lysander (Joshua Craven), Demetrius (Oliver Ryan) and Helena (Francesca Fennell) who were sublime increating a real feel-good factor with the audience.

We had been guests of the Earl and Countess of Portsmouth and this unique collaboration involved The Anvil theatre and, of course, University College Winchester, showcasing a wealth of local talent.

Open-air Shakespeare has never been performed at Farleigh House before and I for one hope it will not be the last.

Full marks must surely go to the entire cast and crew who dealt so admirably with the vagaries of the English weather!