PARISH council: Last Monday's parish council meeting saw the final attendance of Pc Doug Ashman in his role as Chineham beat bobby.

While being pleased for Pc Ashman's career development, parish councillors unanimously expressed regret over Chineham's loss of him, as his commitment to the community and liaison with the parish council has been exemplary.

Parish councillors welcomed the recent erection of the youth shelter at Tollhouse Meadow.

Sadly, recreation chairman, Rick Bolger, had to advise that some remedial work was still required, but the shelter was generally agreed to be innovative and a welcome new youth facility.

GARDEN competition: Judging for the Chineham garden competition has now been fixed for Sunday, July 18.

Front and/or back gardens can be entered and voucher prizes are available for the top three entrants.

The winner receives not only a £50 voucher but also inscription of their name on the ceremonial rose bowl.

For more information, contact the assistant parish clerk, Gillian Baker, on 761790, or planning@

ACTIVITIES at Christ Church, Reading Road: Are you busy on a Tuesday morning? If not, why not join some others for a coffee and a chat?

"House Coffee Mornings" take place every Tuesday, from 10am until noon, and all are welcome.

For further information on this and other regular events at the church, please feel free to contact Ruth Randall. You can do this either by popping into the parish office, e-mailing her at or calling 474280.