RIDERS ready! Pedals ready! Go! Winchester football ground has been swapping penalties for pedal power as toddlers tackle the challenge of raising money for ChildLine.

Children at the Riverside Nursery School have been involved with a sponsored pedal push to help other children in less fortunate circumstances.

Between 9am and 12pm every morning, the nursery at Winchester Football Club has been encouraging its youngsters to burn off energy by hopping on their bikes and circuiting the bollards outside.

The nursery is expected to raise £300 after receiving a letter from ChildLine with fundraising ideas.

Beverley Feeney, new owner of the nursery, said: "We've been putting children into groups each day. After snacks, some will sit and watch while some go round the bollards and others will play in the garden.

"We try to urge the children to play outdoors as we feel they are better off. We find their behaviour is better as they are given more space to exercise."

The activity is being combined with a half-term topic on transport.