BARBARA Maxwell, of Coopers Lane, Bramley,won the Individual/Community Learner of the Year Award.

The 42-year-old (pictured above with borough mayor Cllr Gerry Traynor) is coming to the end of her first year of a two-year forensic science course, after finding out about the national diploma in her daughter's prospectus.

Barbara said: "Forensic science is something I have always enjoyed reading about for years. I got inspiration to join the course from the books - I've got shelves full of them."

Although it's been a big step going back into full-time education, Barbara has set a good example to other students with her 100 per cent attendance and the majority of her assignments reaching distinction standard.

But the popular student admitted she had been a little apprehensive about joining the course.

She said: "I was initially unsure, due to the number of younger people in the class, but they accepted me as I am and do not treat me any differently from those their age. I really appreciate that about our group."

Barbara's advice to anyone thinking about going into adult education is "If I can do it - anyone can".

WHEN it comes to archaeology, floral artist Lorna Standing is clearly a grade A student.

The 39-year-old mother-of-two, of Gannet Close, Kempshott, Basingstoke, is currently studying on the A2 course - the second year of her A-level course - after gaining straight As in both her GCSE and AS-level courses.

Modest about her grades, Lorna said: "I wish I had done that at school. My parents would have been so proud."

Her lecturer said she had "shown commitment to her studies through dedication to classroom activities, with almost 100 per cent attendance."

Proof of her growing confidence, knowledge and abilities was shown last year when Lorna took part in a BBC television programme with Bill Oddie, investigating prominent historical people using clues from artefactual evidence.

A BACK injury forced runner-up John Hutchins to give up his job, which allowed him the time to go back into learning.

John, 43, of Lapwing Close, Basingstoke, embarked on adult literacy and numeracy programmes, including an ORC Level 1 certificate for IT users, and has just started the European Computer Driving Licence.

He said: "The experience I gained has given me confidence and a much more positive outlook on life."

After receiving his award, John said he was very grateful for all the help and support he received from his tutor Ann Kretzschmar.

"I owe a lot to Ann. She helped me from when I knew virtually nothing to what I know now."

John has some very clear advice: "To anyone who can't decide whether to go back into learning, I would say do it - it could change your life."