PAUL Sturrock's preparations for next season are already under way - and they're as much personal as they are professional.

The Saints boss has had to cope with a massive change in his life since leaving Plymouth to take over at St Mary's earlier this year.

Sturrock's wife and children have remained in Plymouth but with the summer holidays quickly approaching and a move to relocate the family in Southampton before the start of next season, there is plenty to sort out away from football as well as on the pitch in the coming months.

"The summer for me is get a house, get schools, get players and settle in my mind what the build-up is going to be and get ready for next season," said Sturrock.

"I was very tired at the end of the season. It had been very competitive with Plymouth, then a big change, the pressures of that and the newness of the job.

"I've had a wee sleep the last week and I feel much better and I will definitely be ready."

Having had a short break after the end of the season to reflect on his first weeks as a Premiership manager, Sturrock admits to having made errors but says he learning from them so he won't make them again.

"There has been a lot of learning," he said. "I have made mistakes in selection, in systems of play - there are lots of things that you can take into a game in the Nationwide which you can't take into a game in the Premiership.

"It's been a learning curve. I'm very appreciative of the league now.

"We have had a wee taste of the teams so we are fore-armed now for next season."