Sir.-Re: George Potten's bid for poets' memorials - I have penned my own contribution.

Congratulations to Mr Potten, for his marvellous idea, it truly is a lyrical inspiration.

I earnestly entreat the local borough council to give it their full consideration.

As this gentleman points out, it seems an awful shame that social housing suffered ill-repute.

But since the advent of tenant-purchase, the image has much improved, no longer the voice of culture need be mute.

As a member of a local writer's circle, I'm aware there's many folk who feel the urge to put pen to paper, whether a story, prose or rhyme, be it drama, some humour or yet a dirge!

So a memorial, as suggested, may very well inspire an interest in literary aspirations, which the residents of Popley would much appreciate and proffer their heart-felt congratulations!

-Stan Bennett, Coniston Road, Basingstoke.