Sir.-I'm afraid the Hampshire County Council powers-that-be are living in a dream world if they think the proposed speed limits on the A339 will make any difference.

Firstly, I've noticed a lot of the double white lines have been extended. Surely all this does is cause frustration by having riders/drivers stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle.

An impatient driver is a very dangerous one, taking the first chance to get by - safe or not.

Secondly, I believe putting slower speed limits on a road causes exactly the same result.

Anybody who exceeds speed limits now will always exceed them, regardless of a post with a number on it.

The limit on the A339 at the moment is 60mph but how many people stick to that? The only ones who do are drivers/riders who consider themselves to be responsible - and, in my experience, they are far and few between.

So, you have a driver at the front of a line of cars slowing everybody down, then up comes Mr Impatient, cursing and swearing, and goes to overtake. He doesn't care if he upsets anybody; he's going to get past.

Cameras are no answer as they only catch drivers exceeding the speed limit and not dangerous drivers or riders.

So get real, HCC - spend our money on something which will get results, namely education.

Police bikers run a scheme called Edge 44, which assesses the way bikers ride and points out what might help them stay alive.

This scheme costs £65, which is not a lot of money if it helps you ride safer, but I acknowledge that not everybody has £65 to spare.

Perhaps money from HCC could pay for part of the cost. That way more bikers might join up. And if it keeps one person out of hospital, surely it's money well-spent.

If you're not happy about riding with a police biker watching you, you could join a local advanced riders club and be shown how to ride properly.

These are just two ideas that I believe would work. Speed restrictions will not - take my word for it.

-S Dale, Pitman Close, Basingstoke.