THANK you! Richard and Brenda wish to thank everyone who went to their "Open House" last Saturday, raising £461 for Africare.

Richard and Brenda are volunteers at a home for orphaned or abandoned boys in Uganda.

Brenda says: "This sum is a brilliant result and we really appreciate everyone's generosity."

ANNUAL parish meeting: This was held last Friday. 30 parishioners attended, along with councillors and Sergeant Chris Swallow of Whitchurch police, who spoke about rural crime and how figures are recorded.

The parish council's report was presented by the chairman and reports were received from the village hall, charities and the village green.

Minutes will soon be available in the village hall or from the clerk.

CHINA and the Great Wall: This is where Ian Davies is heading on Sunday, as he starts his eight-day trek in aid of Cancer Research.

Ian is being supported by The Shop and intends to walk for eight hours a day.

His goal was £3,000 and he's raised £6,000! If you want to add to this, a collecting tin will be in The Shop until the end of June.

TOURNAMENT: Fantastic weather helped make the Loddon Sports Tournament weekend a success.

Saturday's tournament had teams from 16 clubs while Sunday gave the chance for club members to show their skills with an "in-house" tournament.