PAMBER Heath Gardening Club: Last week, Graham Dennis, wildlife warden at Pamber Forest, gave a very interesting illustrated talk about Pamber Forest and Silchester Common.

The forest has become a haven for wildlife and some rare species of butterfly such as the White Admiral and Silver-Washed Fritillary.

The dormouse can also be found there along with many other rodents, beetles, adders and grass snakes.

More than 40 people came along to the meeting and were able to ask questions about the ancient woodland that is right on our doorstep.

Next month, on Sunday, June 6, the club is running a coach trip to Kew Gardens.

There are still a few seats available for this trip, which includes a guided tour of the gardens. Non-members are welcome to join the trip.

If you are interested, contact Richard Brown, the club chairman, on 0118 9700100 for details.

TENNIS courts: The tennis courts by the village hall are being resurfaced at the moment, so are not available for play.

It is hoped that the work will be finished by the beginning of July, so the public court will be available then.